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Monday, March 14, 2011

Back Pain

Right now i am experiencing the worst back pain any person could experience in a lifetime. You may think i'm exagerating but i just wish i am. I feel numbness on both my legs. According to the doctor who saw me last sunday, this is Herniated Disc. This word is Alien to me so, i used Mr.Google to help me understand what it means, let me share to you the data Mr. Google gave me.

What is a herniated disc?
The bones (vertebrae) that form the
spine in your back are cushioned by small, spongy discs. When these discs are healthy, they act as shock absorbers for the spine and keep the spine flexible. But when a disc is damaged, it may bulge or break open. This is called a herniated disc. It may also be called a slipped or ruptured disc.
See a picture of a
herniated disc .
You can have a herniated disc in any part of your spine. But most herniated discs affect the lower back (lumbar spine). Some happen in the neck (cervical spine) and, more rarely, in the upper back (thoracic spine). This topic focuses mainly on the lower back.
What causes a herniated disc?
A herniated disc may be caused by:
Wear and tear of the disc. As you age, your discs dry out and aren't as flexible.
Injury to the spine. This may cause tiny tears or cracks in the hard outer layer of the disc. When this happens, the gel inside the disc can be forced out through the tears or cracks in the outer layer of the disc. This causes the disc to bulge, break open, or break into pieces.
What are the symptoms?
When a
herniated disc presses on nerve roots, it can cause pain, numbness, and weakness in the area of the body where the nerve travels. A herniated disc in the lower back can cause pain and numbness in the buttock and down the leg. This is called sciatica (say "sy-AT-ih-kuh"). Sciatica is the most common symptom of a herniated disc in the low back.
If a herniated disc is not pressing on a nerve, you may have a backache or no pain at all.
If you have weakness or numbness in both legs, along with loss of
bladder or bowel control, seek medical care right away. This could be a sign of a rare but serious problem called cauda equina syndrome.
How is a herniated disc diagnosed?
Your doctor may diagnose a herniated disc by asking questions about your symptoms and examining you. If your symptoms clearly point to a herniated disc, you may not need tests.
Sometimes a doctor will do tests such as an
MRI or a CT scan to confirm a herniated disc or rule out other health problems.
How is it treated?
Symptoms from a herniated disc usually get better in a few weeks or months. To help you recover:
Rest if you have severe pain. Otherwise, stay active. Staying in bed for more than 1 or 2 days can weaken your muscles and make the problem worse. Walking and other light activity may help.
Try using a heating pad on a low or medium setting, or a warm shower, for 15 to 20 minutes every 2 or 3 hours. You can also try an ice pack for 10 to 15 minutes every 2 to 3 hours.
Do the exercises that your doctor or physical therapist suggests. These will help keep your back muscles strong and prevent another injury.
Ask your doctor about medicine to treat your symptoms. Medicine won't cure a herniated disc, but it may help with pain and swelling.
So as you already read, i am suffering to sever back pains now which is hell by the way, i walk like an old man and im only 35 years old for christ sake!
Anyway, i am up for another check up on wednesday and hopefully i do get a better diagnosis. I'll keep you guys posted.